• Members Only

    Welcome to GHSA's Members Only website! This portion of our site creates a personalized user experience for GHSA members and partners. Log in below to access members only content.


Welcome to GHSA's Members Only site.

Please log in to view member-restricted content.

Are you already logged in? 
You will see LOGOUT in the top row of options. Click here or on Members Only on the upper right (under SEARCH) to view the Member's Only page.

Contact kchausmer@ghsa.org with any questions or concerns.

GHSA Members Only

This portion of our website creates a personalized user experience for GHSA State Highway Safety Office Members, Associate Members and partners. Here, members can access restricted content to help them implement the most effective highway safety programs.

Do I already have an account?

If you work for a State Highway Safety Office or GHSA Associate Member, have attended GHSA events in the past, or already receive communications from GHSA, you probably already have a web account. To find out, click here and follow the on-screen instructions. If you aren't in our database, contact Kerry Chausmer at kchausmer@ghsa.org for assistance.

Join GHSA!

Not a member? Consider joining GHSA as an Associate Member. Associate Members enjoy a variety of benefits, and membership dues are tax-deductible (Federal ID# 521021004). Associate Member dues range from $150 to $950 per year, depending on your organization type.

Membership Application